Countless times we are asked what is the difference between our funeral home and other providers. The answer is more than you may expect.
First is the experience we bring to the table. Our funeral home has served Bainbridge Island and the surrounding communities for over 84 years. We know the area, the resources it offers, and the wants and needs of the many families we are honored to serve. We understand the traditions of the people and what is most important when honoring their loved ones.
Next is our commitment to being of service personally. When you call us we respond. We don't use third-party companies or have people thousands of miles away answering our phones. This is not the case when you deal with other providers who advertise in our area. Many of these providers will tell you they will be there, but when the time comes, they have more excuses than solutions. Often we receive calls from families out of frustration and with nowhere else to turn, asking for help. Sadly this makes the difficulty of a loss that much harder.
Lastly is price. So many companies will promise to do it better, faster, and cheaper but rarely is that the case. The adage "you get what you pay for" still rings true today. More often than not you will find the advertised price is intended to get your attention and oftentimes is much lower than the actual cost.
In closing, we understand not everyone can afford a full-service funeral home. But making the wrong choice can be more difficult and more costly than you realize. Before you make a choice, call us and ask for a comparison or even assistance with costs, sometimes there are programs or options you aren't aware of that can help. There are certainly worse things than knowing the truth.
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